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What Causes Frequent Urination in Women?

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If frequent urination is an ongoing complaint for you, North Texas Fibroids located in Flower Mound, Cedar Hill, and Dallas, Texas, might be able to help. Having to go constantly can be a source of stress, as well as an unwelcome interruption in your life. Many people feel like they need to urinate often or urgently, but you don’t have to live this way. With proper diagnosis and care, you can address the issue at its root and take your old life back.

What Causes Frequent Urination in Women?

There are plenty of things that could affect your body’s drive to urinate. Some of them are easy fixes, while others require medical intervention.

Drinking Too Many Fluids

Simply put, the more fluids you consume, the more often you will need to use the bathroom. Although it’s healthy to drink an ample amount of liquids, especially water, over the course of your day, you should also be mindful that the more you put in, the more you will need to come out. If you find yourself unusually thirsty, and unable to stop drinking, it may be wise to make an apointment with a physician to check that all is well.


Fibroids often put pressure on the bladder, making the need to urinate more intense and frequent. If you suspect that your urination woes stem from fibroids, we can help you diagnose and treat the problem.

Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)

Urinary tract infections, or UTIs, are common ailments that many women get over the course of their lifetimes. Since they generally manifest in discomfort and irritation in your genital region, they can also prompt you to have to use the bathroom far more often than you would. Sometimes, people with UTIs will feel like they have to go to the bathroom, but nothing will actually come out. UTIs can generally be treated with over-the-counter medications. For severe cases, see your gynecologist.


Diuretics can make you feel like you need to urinate all of the time. Beverages like alcohol or coffee are diuretics, so if you’re experiencing the need to go more than you usually do, make sure that you take a look at your intake of alcohol and caffeine.


Stress impacts the body in a number of different ways, and one of the more surprising ones is that many people feel like they need to use the bathroom more often. If you suspect that stress is behind your frequent urination, take stock of your life, and see what might be contributing to your overwhelming or anxious feelings. There’s an excellent chance that if stress is impacting your bodily functions, it’s also intruding in other areas of your life.

What Qualifies As Frequent Urination?

Most people use the bathroom to urinate between six and eight times during the day. This includes one nighttime bathroom break and going multiple times during the day. If you find yourself often urinating at night or exceeding eight times during the day, you should try to get to the bottom of why you are urinating so often. Start by taking stock of what you’re drinking and eating throughout the day. Can you cut out coffee or alcohol? Are you drinking too much water?

Think about your stress levels, and examine any hormonal changes that you might be under. There’s a chance that your increased urination can be linked to one of those. If you suspect that you might have an ongoing, or more serious problem, like fibroids, contact us. Our knowledgeable staff is on hand to answer any questions that you may have and will certainly set up a consultation with you so that you can get back to the business of living your full life.

What Are the Symptoms of Fibroids?

Fibroids are one of the biggest causes of frequent urination. Fortunately, they can be diagnosed and dealt with so that you can take charge of your body once more. If you have any of the symptoms of fibroids, give us a call.

Heavy Menstrual Period

Although most women experience heavy periods from time to time, the constantly heavy menstrual flow could be due to uterine fibroids. Other red flags include clots, fatigue while menstruating, and having your period for a prolonged time. If you experience any sudden changes in your period, consider getting examined to see if you have uterine fibroids.

Pain in Your Pelvis

Pelvic pain is a big indicator of fibroids. This is because fibroids will often push on the bladder or pelvis, causing discomfort over the course of the day. Sometimes this pressure seems like cramps, so if you have a lot of pain or cramps outside of your normal period, or if you suddenly develop discomfort in your pelvis, get a consultation.

Having to Urinate Often

Since fibroids press on your internal organs, like your bladder, they can make you feel like you have to go to the bathroom more often. Frequent urination is one of the most common telltale signs of fibroids. If you have exhausted all other lifestyle-related reasons, like caffeine and stress, for why you need to use the bathroom as often as you do, you could be dealing with fibroids.

Everyone is different, and there are other warning signs that could indicate that you have fibroids, including infertility, pain during sex, and lower back or leg pain. If you are unsure as to whether or not you have fibroids, we are happy to give you a consultation. You do not need to live with fibroids. We can absolutely help you take control of your health and life again.

How Are Fibroids Diagnosed?

Our team diagnoses fibroids in several different ways. We can use MRIs and ultrasounds to try to see your fibroids and assess them. Ultrasounds can pick up uterine fibroids and larger fibroids that may have swelled to the point where they are pressing on an organ. This non-invasive technique is quick and can let us know what we’re working with right away. MRIs are more intense and can give us detailed information on your fibroids, picking up smaller fibroids that ultrasounds sometimes miss. Which technique is best for you? We will be happy to assess you and give you our recommendation.

We also diagnose fibroids by looking at your clinical and familial history. Many times, fibroids are passed down from generation to generation, so if you have a hereditary gene for them, you could be more prone. Physical exams are also excellent ways to discover fibroids. A simple pelvic exam can alert us that there could be a problem, giving us the opportunity to investigate further.

How to Minimize Your Risk

Diet plays a huge role in minimizing fibroid risk. Eat foods high in nutrients and vitamins, and make sure that you’re getting your recommended dose of vegetables. Citrus fruits are also effective in lowering your fibroid risk. Try to keep your stress levels low and get plenty of exercises. Avoid eating too much red meat, and stay away from excessive alcohol, especially if you have a family history of fibroids. Alcohol is already a natural diuretic and can inflame your bladder.

Essentially, you will want to live as healthy of a lifestyle as possible, limiting bad foods and sugar and making sure that you are eating plenty of nutritionally-dense options. Try to keep a healthy weight as well. If you have any questions about what constitutes a healthy weight, a good diet, or need help with an exercise plan, please talk to your doctor or a nutritionist. These are things that you can do on your own to prevent fibroids before they even become a problem.

How Are Fibroids Treated?

Fibroids are treated through a variety of different methods, and our team can consult with you as to which ones are the best. Your treatment plan will depend largely on the state and size of your fibroids, as well as what you are doing at home to treat them through healthy living and exercise. Everyone is different, and we will talk to you to make sure that you are completely comfortable with the treatment plan before we get started. Your comfort is our priority!

Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE)

This minimally invasive treatment cuts off fibroids from a blood source, which withers and shrinks them. It can be done on all different kinds of fibroids and is virtually painless, and requires very little recovery time. This is one of our most popular treatment options. This treatment can be done on uterine, bladder, and cervical fibroids. You will be briefed on the treatment before you come in so you know what to expect fully.

Hormone Regulating Medication

Fibroids often come with hormonal fluctuations, so hormone-regulating medication can help reduce the symptoms of fibroids, but they can’t remove them altogether. Most people experience some relief with these types of medicines, specifically those who struggle with frequent urination. Hormone regulating medicine can be used as a way to treat fibroids before your appointment to remove them altogether.

Focused Ultrasounds

Ultrasounds can be used to detect fibroids and also to shrink them down. This relatively new technology uses ultrasound beams to chip away at the fibroid and dissolve it from within. Although we have experienced great results with focused ultrasounds, many people are wary of the new technology and prefer to opt for more traditional methods. Whatever your comfort level is at is good for us. We will give you all of the options that you need to make an informed decision.

Other options are also available, depending on the size and severity of your fibroid. It’s important that you see our team for a dedicated consultation on your options before committing to any treatment plan. We would like to make sure that the plan is perfect for your needs and that you are totally comfortable with the way that we are approaching your health. The comfort and personal care of our patients are of utmost concern to us.

Take Back Your Life Today

If you are struggling with frequent urination due to fibroids, we can help. We are North Texas’ preferred treatment place for fibroids and fibroid-related issues, and our staff is happy to give you a consultation today. If you are experiencing bathroom troubles related to having to go frequently, or if you suspect that you might be suffering from fibroids, call us for a consultation. There is absolutely nothing to lose, but your whole life to gain back.

We offer personalized plans that take your personal wishes into account. All of our treatment options are as minimally invasive as possible, and we pride ourselves on putting you in the driver’s seat and ensuring that you are fully in charge of your heath. If you haven’t been living your best life because of embarrassing frequent urination problems, give us a call today at North Texas Fibroids in Flower Mound, Cedar Hill, and Dallas, TX.

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