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UFE Preparation

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UFE Preparation

Pre-Op UFE Instructions from Dr. Handley

If an individual is experiencing problematic symptoms caused by uterine fibroids, it is best to select a treatment option that will provide optimal results for their unique case.

A uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) possesses many benefits over traditional surgeries. Many women prefer UFE due to the fact that it is much less invasive than a myomectomy or hysterectomy, which provides a better outlook for those who wish to remain fertile.

The entire process for a uterine fibroid embolization is really quite simple, though there are a few ways that you can best prepare for the procedure in the days leading up to it.

Keep Us in the Loop

It is very important that you relay any and all necessary information to Dr. Handley prior to your UFE procedure. Among the most important topics to cover are:

  • A list of all current medications and supplements that you take
  • Any known allergies, particularly those that may interfere with a local or general anesthetic
  • Insurance coverage for the procedure
  • Any recent illness that may have compromised your immune system
  • The possibility that you could be pregnant
  • Who will be responsible for caring for you after the procedure and making sure that you get home safely if you are unable to drive yourself

Follow All Instructions Carefully

Your doctor is likely to recommend that you stop taking certain blood thinners prior to the uterine fibroid embolization. All patients are also required to stop eating and drinking after midnight on the evening before their UFE.

It is imperative that you follow all guidelines given to you by North Texas Fibroids to ensure optimal results from your uterine fibroid embolization.

Still Have Questions? Ask Dr. Handley

If there is anything at all that you don’t understand or are confused about regarding your uterine fibroid embolization, we highly encourage you to reach out to North Texas Fibroids so that we may provide any necessary clarification. Because this is your treatment, we want to make sure that you are entirely comfortable and confident before Dr. Handley begins the UFE procedure.

Please contact our local office at (972)736-9980 if you have any additional questions or concerns about your uterine fibroid embolization.

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